Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spongebob faces

i was bored at home! so i started to draw the cartoons of spongebob faces again! :D

Friday, September 30, 2011

Designing with ThomastheCoach!

Package 1:

Package 2:

Design 2:

I was being given this task to actually spend 3 hours to design 2 flyers for Thomas and here are some of my works.

Wohoo! Hope that it wont look werid ba! =x

I know its not very creative but feeling so happy that i'm able to come up with some designs for the whole afternoon. Even though Thomas has instructed me to finish it within 3 hours.

However, my computer crashes! Thats why i have to redo everything again LOL! ):

But Thomas still asked me to do some improvement on it. Still wondering, how can i improve on it..

Still I am contented to be able to work with Thomas this time round. Hope that we can work together next time.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Thomas the coach! :D

Found an event job through gumtree and ended up being hired as a designer for http://www.thomasthecoach.com. ^-^

Even though i major in web designing but i don't mind trying out new stuff Cos I loves to take up challenges.

Went for this talk at ThomasTheCoach and it teaches us how to play with stocks.

It seemed interesting to me and personally, I feel that the trainers are very professional, especially Thomas, who has taught us many tips in dealing with stocks. The trainers are very professional as they have guided us step-by-step in how to use the program. Besides that, by signing up for their course, students will receive free goodies!

Call 6384 0143 NOW FOR MORE DETAILS!

There's a seminar this October. Stay tuned! :)


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

♥Illustration and SHOPPING! ♥

The cartoon illustration has replied to my email! YAY! ^_^

So it means that i can start to draw again le.. But wait...

I have to draw like 800 images in a month!

I just wonder whether i can finish it or not. But luckily Desmond has send me the categories for my illustration!

And now i need to draw different images. and THIS IS REALLY CRAZYYY! ):

But.. but.. but..

I'll still perserve no matter what happen. i just hope that i can finish all the illustration on time! :D

However on the happier side, i went to SHOP today! Bought lots and lots of stuff today! Including 3 tops, 1 bottom, 1 bag and 3 earingss! && i spend alot today, i think i'm broke. T_T

Gotta finish all my illustration and get back the money that i have spend! So that i can spend even more! =D


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cartoon father and mother!

here's my illustration for mother and father! wohoo first time drawing it lol.. hope that its nice! I just do it during my free time! :D

Spongebob for my blog!

YAY! I have finally finished my spongebob icon! Hope that its cute enough and nice ba! :D

The different faces of spongebob! I always wanted to draw pictures of spongebob and here are my illustrations! :))

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fresh at 25!

Wohoo this is my first time joining a competition! Hope that i can get into the top 25 ba! :D My design is titled: Freshly Juiced! Straight from the juicer!! :D